Sunday, November 27, 2011
Si's 21st Memorial
It has been just over 5months since one of my kayaking brothers Si passed, and yesterday was his 21st Birthday.
A couple of car loads of people from Okere Falls missioned it down to Taupo to meet with some of his family and remember in a place where Simon loved to kayak- Huka Falls! It was a beautiful day with lots of sun and we enjoyed a picnic with the Huka Falls in the backround. This was followed by a mass kayak down the Kaituna River with over 60 kayakers and a few rafts (including 1 with his family). The turnout was really wicked and the day was ended with a mass booty skull! Simon would have been stoked!
photo credit- Lou Urwin and Tyler Fox
Friday, November 25, 2011
Waiariki Academy of Sport Training Camp- Ohope Beach!
This week Waiariki Academy of Sport held their annual beach training camp!
The strongest members of the Bike, Kayak, Golf and general squads all attended and brought good form for the organised events, activities and challenges that were set by the camp leaders, Sam Thompson and Rebecca. It was a wicked three days on Ohope beach filled with mini surf comps, morning runs, orienteering and sports seminars. A great opportunity to mix and mingle with different athletes from different sports and chill out at the beach:)
Summer Missions!
Summer missions continue! Last week I made it down the full Kaituna River twice with different groups each time. It was good times paddling with Lou Urwin, Maxi, Severin, Joe and the Scotsman. Some Mountain Biking with Leela was also a good way to get back into the aerobic fitness;). And a trip to the hotpools in Elsy's boat was a very wicked way to rest and recover:).
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Troutpool Road!
We are now fully moved in to our home for the next 6months or so! With four ladies- Leela, Shilo, Laura and myself and Lauras Argentinian man Ima! Its halfway between the put in and get out of the Kaituna river and is perfect for living!Tommorrow I am planning to head down the lower Kaituna Gorges again with Lou Urwin, Francey, Severin and maybe some others! Getting fit again and missions are back on the agenda now exams are out of the way!:)
After getting my final exam done for the year I cruised back North via the Outback of Taihape where I picked up a brand new very hot Red Bliss-Stick kayak! Currently the fastest Extreme boat in the World and on the market, the 'Tuna'. On arrival back in Okere Falls I didn't even make it back to my flat, I saw Kenny Mutton at the put in and so busted out a sweet run in my shiny new boat!
It felt amazing! The Tuna is a very wicked boat and although it caters for the heavier build I findit carries me on top of the water very effectively and its speed pickup is great. It boofs nicely and shoots wickedly out of drops!
On the Sunday Ryan L, Ricketts, Maxi and I boosted to the Wairoa for a couple of laps which was good fun. There we met up with Swiss born and bred Severin and kidnapped him to bring back to Okere Falls!
On the Monday Maxi, Severin and I boosted down the lower Kaituna Gorges! It seemed very suitable with my new 'Tuna' kayak! And it was a really awesome day! The river was at around 500's so the flow was quite descent and pushy, we walked Knarley. The Tuna performed super well and flew out of the 3 Smokey drops:)