Saturday, June 08, 2013


 MAC- Walking to Mt Aspiring College to educate the youth of NZ!

 Ryan came to visit:)

Life here in Wanaka is awesome! The days have been getting colder with a lot of snow now resting on the mountains but most afternoons the sun comes out:) I have been seeing a physio for my arm as it is still not 100% meaning I cannot really paddle yet. It is quite frustrating but with the cold I will be looking to go skiing rather then kayaking anyway. I am treating this as my first proper rest from paddling in about 6years! It makes you realise how obsessed you are with the sport you love, well for me anyway! I am happy to rest but starting to get very fired up for getting back in the boat!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the hikes up Mt Roy and Mt Istla that I have been doing. Soon I will be hitting the snow, followed by a NZ Southern Season of Spring boating! Stoked to be here in NZ

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