Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Okere Falls- Summer is coming...

So after a week or so of catching up with family and getting in some epic snowboarding with my sister Heather it was time to head North back to ‘Never Never land’, aka Okere Falls! To be fair the weather has been cold and my first few runs down the Kaituna were at Open Gates as the rain gods have been letting loose. It has been really good to be home and catching up with everybody and I have been using the last of the October month to do some out of the boat exercise, such as running, swimming and snowboarding. I am back waitressing again at the Resort on the lake here and soon I will be moving into our all chick flat that rests halfway between the put in and get out of the Kaituna river, spa pool included! Bring on Summer and many kayaking missions!

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