Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sant Celoni-Barcelona-France...

Ah these last 2weeks have been insane!!!!I don´t know where to start. I arrived home from France last night to find my family has gone on holiday till next Friday and im locked out so I can´t add any of the sweet photos I have of my adventures and havn´t got much time to write in detail....but ill write some and fill in the gaps later...
France was amazing!!!It was great to get back in a kayak after a few weeks of rest and the weather was perfect mfor it. The people there are soo nice! I got 3 offers from people to stay with them in France and was given a ride from some randoms at the train station to the kayak course! Without the ride I don´t know what I would have done?? I got very lucky!!
I went back to Barcelona with my friend Ruben and we had an awesome day!!!It was soo good to have a guided tour. And I partied it up in Sant Celoni a few nights which was awesome!!The Spanish sure do know how to party!
Tommorrow I am going to La Seu(The place Pre Worlds was for kayaking) with my friend Andreu so I will finally get my boat back all fixed!!!!Yesss!
Better go...
Will be in touch!
Oh yea and Olympics have begun...Luuka will be paddling on Wednesday and Thursday!!!Very exciting. Best of luck to her...Go NEW ZEALAND!!!


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