Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another day of racing is over. This weekend they have set some very tricky courses!Todays was no exception. Even some of the most talented paddlers were caught out by the difficulty of the course. The crowd was huge and the Slovakian president was amongst it.

Top 3 of today: K1Men: Fabien Lafevre- France, Benjamen Boukpeti-Toga, Jan Sajbidor- Slovakia

K1W: Elena Kaliska-Slovakia, Jana Dukatova-Slovakia, Dana Benus

C1: Michal Martikan-Slovakia, Alexander Slafkovsky-Slovakia, Matej Benus-Slovakia

We are doing a session on the course here in Liptovsky Mikulas tommorrow morning and then tommorrow afternoon we will drive to Brataslava for training.

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